
28 NOV 2019

Architect Mr. Chiba and Miss Osaka will appear on "Radio Morioka"!

Architect Mr. Chiba and Miss Osaka, who are participating in activities at the NoMaDoS Morioka base, will be featured on the "Tezukuri Presents Honihoni Radio" segment of "Radio Morioka."

After their involvement in the 28th issue of "Shinseiki Mini Magazine Tezukuri," they have decided to participate in the local radio program, sparking interest in the future relationship between NoMaDoS and Morioka. Be sure to tune in to "Radio Morioka"!

・・・Broadcast Overview・・・

Air Date: December 3, 2019 (Tuesday) at 5:40 PM
Radio Station: Radio Morioka 76.9MHz
Program Title: "Tezukuri Presents Honihoni Radio" Duration: 15 minutes