
17 NOV 2023

NoMaDoS has been selected as one of the recommended eight VR development companies by "Metaverse Research Institute."

"SUSTAINABLE CITY PLANET" is a virtual reality (VR) space created by NoMaDoS in collaboration with Yahoo! Japan LODGE. We have focused on utilizing this business in the virtual reality media "メタバース総研" and have published collaborative reports on related activities.

You can read the published articles at the following URLs:
▼ "Recommended VR Services and Development Company Summary | Introduction of Use Cases"
▼ "What is Metaverse? Explaining the Reasons for Attention, Benefits, and Business Use Cases"

メタバース総研 Homepage:


◆"SUSTAINABLE CITY PLANET" is an event based on the concept of "sustainability of future cities," delving into the topic of urban sustainability through various themes.

In the first phase, we focused on the theme of "Hidden Sustainable Future in Cities: Clothing, Food, Shelter, and Mobility," exploring the yet unrealized sustainability issues and potential within cities, together with active experts in their respective fields. This event attracted significant participation and continued for a certain period of time.

For more detailed information, please refer to the following pages: